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The best potato soup recipe

Disclaimer: If you like potato soup, I am not responsible for the love you are about to feel towards this soup.

Before I give you this recipe, I need you to understand that you will never make another kind of potato soup. Throw out the old recipe because it will never again be used. Seriously this is the BEST.

I'm not really sure when my mom started making this soup. The earliest I can remember is eighth grade but I know she made it at least three times before that. I think that we stumbled across this recipe on one of those "teacher soup days". If you grew up with a parent that was a teacher you know these days. Or you at least know the days that every teacher brings something so they can all sit in the teacher's lounge and talk about how we all failed our last exam like it's our fault, and make fun of what's for lunch in the school cafeteria while eating delicious homemade food. Yeah, it was one of those times. Apparently having an overly competitive mom when it comes to that kind of thing sometimes has its advantages, because she found this recipe. and we haven't looked back ever since.

So here it is


The best potato soup you will ever make


8 Potatoes

One 32 oz of Swanson Chicken broth

salt to taste

course black pepper- to taste

1 1/2cups heavy whipping cream

1/2 cup butter (1 Stick)


1-2 (to taste) Chicken bullion cubes

Corn starch (or flour) to thicken

To Garnish

shredded cheese

bacon pieces

green onion



+ Dice and boil your potatoes. (We always peel ours first too, I suppose you don't have to if you don't want to)

+Then drain the potatoes

+ In the freshly drained pot, add the chicken broth, salt & pepper (about 1 teaspoon of each) ,

butter, and cream

+ It's not in the original recipe but we always add 1 or 2 chicken bullion cubes to give it more flavor.

*Pro tip: Add corn (starch+water) to make the soup more thick depending on preference. (I like mine more thick, mom likes hers more thin, it's a big debate in our house.)

**Pro tip #2 Mix the corn starch (or flour) with water before adding it to the soup or your soup WILL have some really gross uncooked flour noodles. (Been there, done that!)

+ While soup is warming, chop green onions and cook and crumble the bacon.

***Parent bacon PROTIP Put bacon on a COLD pan and DON'T preheat your oven. When you put the bacon in the oven turn it on to 375 for about 20 minutes.

+Usually when our soup starts to boil we know it is done!

+ Top your hot soup with shredded cheese, pieces of bacon, or chopped green onion.

+Bask in the glory of the best potato soup you have ever made.

Be Brave friends!

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